Saturday, September 14th

  Final prep is underway for Saturday’s Yard Sale! We are also happy to have Mr. Bill Cheeseman join us for another nature walk.

We hope you are all enjoying this wonderful change in the weather recently!   The trees are certainly taking notice!  Some trees are busily soaking up the steadily reducing sunlight to produce more energy for before Winter sets in.  Other tree have already begun their preparations for their Winter “sleep.”   They have begun to slow down their photosynthetic process, and some have even begun to show changes in their leaf colors.  How does all that happen?  Why do the leaves change color?  Where do all the new leaf colors come from?  These are some of the topics we’ll discuss as we walk along the always interesting “Discovery Trail” at beautiful Summerseat Farm.

As usual, everyone attending the walk will meet by the Pavillion at 9:00 and finish at about 11:00.

Make sure and stop by the yard sale before or stay around after the Walk to explore all the goodies available! We have tools, furniture, toys, books, antiques, home decor, and more. Don’t forget to visit the bake sale table.